Andrey Aleshkin
Gabrichevsky Moscow Research Institute for Epidemiology and Microbiology, Russia
Title: Phagebiotics in treatment and prophylaxis of foodborne infections
Biography: Andrey Aleshkin
The more prevalent bacterial strains increasing in numbers are those with high thermostability, resistant to many present-day antibiotics and disinfectants, those which are capable to cause foodborne infections (FBI) with high mortality incidence among patients. In this situation using the accumulated Russian experience it is logical to propose a worldwide development of a renewed class of antibacterial agents based on bacteriophages. Since 1930s in different parts of the Soviet Union a lot of doctors began to use phages in human prophylaxis and therapy. Later in the 1960s four Institutes for Vaccines and Sera (in Ufa, Tbilisi, Nizhnii Novgorod, and Perm’) began to produce a dozen medicinal compounds based on several individual species of bacteriophages or their combinations which were used to treat and prevent acute intestinal infections and decompensated forms of dysbacteriosis and to control causative agents of certain pyoinflammatory infections. In recent years in the Russian Federation phage cocktails are administered intracorporeally or locally: wound and mucosa irrigation, introduction in the cavities of vagina, urinary bladder, ear, paranasal sinus, eye conjuctiva and also in the drained cavities: abdominal, and pleural, in the cavities of abscesses after the pus was removed. Therefore, world scientists should not neglect these clinical results when designing any future studies. We have developed a phagebiotic for prophylaxis of FBI caused by E.coli, Shigella flexneri, Shigella sonnei, Salmonella enterica, Listeria monocytogenes or Staphylococcus aureus, and investigated its effectiveness against infection caused by the non-pathogenic Lac (-) strain of E.coli in animal and human trials