Bahaa Shawky
National Research Centre, Egypt
Professor Bahaa Shawky, His specialization field is Industrial Microbiology and Fermentation Technology. Principal Investigator of projects:{ Biofuel, Biopolymers, Bioprotein, Biofertilizers, Microbial Enzymes, Unconventional animal rations, … }. Participated in international conferences. He supervised 25 postgraduates . He has published 75 papers in international journals. Wide range of consultations . Holder of a biofuel patent . Holder of the Invention and Innovation Development Award in the field of renewable and new energy. Member of several scientific societies. Postdoctoral fellowship to: Martin-Luther-Universität, Akademie der Wissenchaften, and Humboldt-Universität, Germany. Worked as visiting Fulbright professor at the Engineering Biosciences Research Center, USA .
Abstract : Pretreatment, Hydrolysis, and Fermentation of Rice Straw to Bioethanol as Biofuel