Marika Mikelsaar
University of Tartu, Estonia
Marika Mikelsaar is the Tartu University professor emeritus and medical biotechnology extraordinary professor. Her main research interests are clinical microbiology , human microbiology health and disease, and the probiotic mechanisms of action and development. Marika Mikelsaar garners public attention achievement is a patented probiotic lactic acid bacteria Lactobacillus fermentum ME-3 detection, which is used by Dr. Hellus dairy products in the series. 2007 . She was awarded for the European Union, women inventors and -innovaatorite Network ( EUWIIN ) Award and 2008 . in the global women inventors and -innovaatorite Award. Marika Mikelsaar belongs to the Estonian Women Student Society .
Abstract : Functional properties of Lactobacillus sp. strains for application in health improvement